TV Advertising Agency

Important Statistics for TV Advertisers

TV Advertising Viewing Decline Still Relevant ?

There is a lot of skepticism around TV advertising due to the advance of modern technology therefore leading to a decline in television activity. With 27.9 millionĀ households owning a television in the UK, this still makes TV the most widely owned item of technology at this present time, thereforeĀ it is not a platform to be overlooked for advertising. A number of differing studies have identified various statistics to help advertisers target their audiences accurately.

Firstly, aĀ studyĀ conducted by GoogleĀ identifies TV viewing behavior

  1. 77% of the time when we are watchingĀ TVĀ we are also using another device ā€“ 49% smartphone 34% PC/laptop. This proves the importance of integrating your marketing campaigns on differing platforms. By capturing your audience on different devices, this acts as a priming techniqueĀ in which an audience is constantly reminded of a brand/product. Consequently, when debating which product to buyĀ the brand which has been primed will spring to mind.
  2. With this in mind, integration of marketing platforms becomes even more important. Once a customer is searching for a product, this pull technique already places consumers further down the sales funnel. It is also a lot easier to directly measure the success of TV advertising.

Secondly, a study byĀ Marketing ChartsĀ identified how TV viewing behavior has changedĀ in the past 5 years:

  1. From this graph we can see that those age 49 and under have reduced the amount of time spent watching television in the past 5 years. Whereas, those aged 65+ have increased their TV viewing time, and those age 50-64 have remained the same. The younger the consumer, the higher the decrease in time spent watching television. Therefore products aimed at teenagers should consider integrated marketing platforms, and those aimed at senior citizens should definitely consider television. With 15 hours as the absolute minimum viewing time, TV is still a large part of consumers lives and should not be overlooked completely.
  2. This puts the above graph into quantifiable data making it a lot easier to understand. With the rise of smartphones and games consoles, TV is definitely on the decline but still acts as a key feature of most British households.

Finally,Ā Deloitte conductedĀ a study identifying the multi-generational views of consumer trends:

  1. Interestingly, this study shows that those aged 26-32 are more active on social media than those 19-25. This should definitely be a consideration when planning marketing campaigns. It also shows how TV ads are still highly effective, but social media marketing cannot be ignored. Linking this study with the rising popularity in multitasking with technology shows how advertisers should prioritize integrating marketing campaigns.
  2. Millennials do an additional 4 activities whilst watching TV. The most popular of which were; web-browsing, checking emails, social media networking and texting. It appears that millennials have a desire to be in constant communication with others which can be easily utilized by advertisers.

WithĀ the rise of technology, television viewing behaviour is on the decline however it still remains a staple activity of the common British household. The most successful marketing campaigns will integrate various platforms focusingĀ mainly on those which attract their target market. For example, TV for those aged 65+ and social media for those aged 32 and under. All modern-day marketing campaigns should not overlook social media or TV advertising as methods of advertising as they areĀ still very popular.
